The "Big Secret"
This isn't a secret for all of you, as my sisters and my best friends know already. But I've decided to share with the rest of you...

I'm Back (Hopefully)
I haven't been active for two reasons: the past two weeks have been unbelievably busy and I just haven't felt like writing. In the past...

Remembering To Breathe
For years, my grandma and I have exchanged e-mails, and at the end of each she always tells me to remember to breathe. She means it in...

Baby Steps: Not Going Well
My older sister told me to take baby steps toward being healthy and well in all ways, and I was doing really well at first. I started out...

Back To School
Yesterday was the first day of my first semester back at college in six years. Six years ago, I was a freshman at the University of...

I've not been keeping up with my blog the past few days for several reasons. One reason being that I just haven't felt like it. My...

Daily Prompt: What Are You Passionate About?
I've always been a passionate person, but over the years, what I am passionate about has changed. When I was younger and in elementary...

I Am Hopeful
With all the changes that will be taking place in my life this month, there is plenty of room for me to doubt myself and my abilities....

Daily Prompt: Name 3 Personality Traits You Are Proud Of
My personality was always the thing I liked most about myself, until the symptoms of my BPD were brought to my attention by my family a...

Baby Steps: Part Three
Baby step number one was self-care. Baby step number two was doing a few chores. Baby step number three, the step I took yesterday, was...