Daily Prompt: What Are You Passionate About?

I've always been a passionate person, but over the years, what I am passionate about has changed.
When I was younger and in elementary school, I was passionate about animals; learning about them, helping them, spending time with them, caring for them. As I grew and had better understanding and resources, I became passionate about advocating for the welfare of animals, and volunteered at the local Humane Society for about eight years. Before I learned about what PETA really does, I was an active member, vegetarian, and animal rights activist online. Even now I am passionate about animals and their welfare, that has not changed as I've grown and gotten older.
When I was in middle school I became passionate about the elderly; spending time with them, making their lives worthwhile, listening to their stories. I volunteered at a local nursing home and spent time reading with the elderly, and doing whatever I could to take their loneliness away. My passion for those older than me stemmed from my love for my Nana, who had limited visitors as she became older, more sick, and immobile. I believed that everyone still deserved love no matter how old or how sick, and so I spent time with those in the nursing home until my school schedule would no longer allow it.
I had always had a love for children, but that love turned into a passion for them when I graduated high school and moved to Hawaii, where I took my first job as a nanny. I was passionate about enriching the minds of children, bettering their lives, and being a good influence for them. This passion continued as I became a teacher at a preschool and daycare, where I was able to create and follow through with lesson plans. This passion has morphed since the birth of my daughter, and now I feel I am passionate only for her.
My interest in writing began in high school as I participated as a member of the school newspaper and yearbook. But I became really passionate about writing just a few months ago, when I discovered The Mighty, a community for those who suffer from mental illness. I submitted my first story that was published, and since have had 75 stories published on their website. My passion for writing and my passion for mental health advocacy go hand-in-hand. I use my passion for writing to advocate for mental health, another passion of mine. These are quite possibly my most prominent passions, as they both do the most good for me and for other people.
I am actually passionate about most things in my life as part of my borderline personality disorder. Because of my BPD, I am able to feel strong emotions about things that I care for a great deal; my family, my pets, a significant other, projects, and hobbies. Sometimes my passion is more intense, and comes and goes in phases and waves. For instance, right now I am passionate about my writing and advocating for mental health, as well as finding a lifelong partner. I am not so passionate about other people right now, as I am having to focus on myself and my world this month with all the changes coming up.
I can see myself becoming passionate about my education as classes start next week, and I see my passion for wanting a significant other growing, as I will want to share my success with someone.
I think it's good to be passionate in all things. Life is certainly brighter and more pleasant when passion is present, and passion can drive me to do many things.
I've always been a passionate person. Passionate about animals, people, books, writing, activism, education, love, and writing letters. I find it a strength that I am so passionate about so many things in my life, and look for the same kind of quality in other people.