
I've not been keeping up with my blog the past few days for several reasons. One reason being that I just haven't felt like it. My depression and fatigue have gotten the best of me the past few days and I haven't felt like doing much of anything let alone updating my personal blog, or the Mental Mamas blog. Another reason why you haven't seen any posts from me the past few days is because I am preparing to move. This includes packing, shopping for furniture, and mostly hiding in my bed over the anxiety of having to pack. I've spent the past few days in bed or on the couch as much as possible, and for the first time since May have not kept my social media updated. Though I have been absent the past few days, I do plan on updating my blog at least once daily, to keep you all the loop and to ensure that I get whatever is filling up my head, out. I haven't decided if I will do daily prompts anymore, it depends on my load of schoolwork. Yes, school starts tomorrow and I've already been assigned a chapter to read in one of the four classes I am taking. This next week will be a busy one, so I am going to try to schedule time to update my blog and social media. School is starting, I have to pack and clean up my current living space, be a mom, and keep up with household chores. I want to ask for positive thoughts and prayers during this next week, as many tasks needing to be completed at one time usually causes me great anxiety and overwhelms me. I thank you all for your patience during my absence and for your positive vibes sent my way.