Why Love Is Different For Me
Love is a many, splendored thing. As a woman, I experience love in typical ways. But as a woman with borderline personality disorder, I...

Daily Prompt: What Is Something/Someone You Miss?
There is a lot about my pre-baby life that I miss; late nights out, spontaneous road trips, sleeping all day, and dating. I do miss those...

Daily Prompt: Discuss A Problem You Have Had In The Past
My mental disorders have caused a variety of problems for me throughout my life, the most prominent being how I conduct myself when in a...

Why I Always Disclose My Mental Illness Before The First Date
It hasn't always been this way. I used to hide my mental disorders from my romantic partners for as long as I could until my symptoms...

My Mental Health Journey: Part Three, My Symptoms & Their Affect On My Relationships
I'm currently awaiting the day I see my new doctor and my new therapist, and am awaiting the opportunity to assess my diagnosis. I...