Why My Mental Illness Prevents Me From Working Full-Time
I used to work full-time. During my first attempt at college I held three jobs, all part-time but that gave me full-time hours. When I...

Why I Have An Issue With People Who Diagnose Themselves With Mental Disorders
As most of you know, I battle several mental disorders; bipolar II disorder, borderline personality disorder, and I once battled...

Depression, Anxiety, & Loneliness
I've reconnected with an old friend over the past few weeks, and one of the main topics of conversation between the two of us has been...

Reacting To Stigma On Facebook
The other day on my Facebook feed, I saw the stigma that surrounds mental illness. A young woman on my friends list said something...

Daily Prompt: Name 3 Personality Traits You Are Proud Of
My personality was always the thing I liked most about myself, until the symptoms of my BPD were brought to my attention by my family a...

Baby Steps: Part Three
Baby step number one was self-care. Baby step number two was doing a few chores. Baby step number three, the step I took yesterday, was...

Back In Therapy: Session One
Yesterday I attended my first therapy session with my new therapist, and it was fantastic. The therapist I was seeing was horrible at her...

Baby Steps: Part Two
The other day I went to bed determined to wake up the next day and do it all. When I woke up the next morning, I realized I needed to...

Daily Prompt: Discuss A Problem You Have Had In The Past
My mental disorders have caused a variety of problems for me throughout my life, the most prominent being how I conduct myself when in a...

Baby Steps: Part One
My older sister constantly reminds me to take baby steps when it comes to my mental health and my recovery. Today, I listened to her, and...