Baby Steps: Part One

My older sister constantly reminds me to take baby steps when it comes to my mental health and my recovery. Today, I listened to her, and it was difficult.
Last night I went to bed thinking "tomorrow, I will feel better, and I will do it all", and made a mental list of all the chores, activities, and self-care practices I planned to do today.
When I woke up this morning, I changed my thinking from "do it all" to "take baby steps".
Today the baby step I took was self-care. I focused on myself and including self-care in my routine today.
I woke up, drank a glass of water, and went on a 25 minute walk with Josie. When we got back, we ate breakfast, and did a dance workout for ten minutes (before I smacked her in the head and felt so awful that I quit, and, she needed cuddles). I drank more water and took my morning medication and vitamins, and thus my morning self-care routine was complete.
The afternoon rolled around and I ate lunch, though I had to force myself because I wasn't hungry. I took my afternoon vitamins and drank more water.
This evening, I ate dinner, drank more water, took my nightly medication and vitamins, and took a shower.
Taking a shower is a big deal because during a depressive episode, I don't have any desire to stand in the shower and think. This is two days in a row that I've showered, and though that seems normal to most of you, it is extraordinary for me. I am proud of myself.
I completed the baby step of self-care today, and feel motivated to take another baby step tomorrow; chores. I will practice self-care and do my household chores all while fighting my depression and anxiety, and I will succeed.
It already seems daunting and I already feel anxiety over it, but I am hoping that worry will go away with sleep and that I will wake up refreshed and ready to take on my baby steps.
Positive thoughts and prayers are welcome for me as I take on tomorrow, and I appreciate each one of you for that and for following me on this journey of baby steps.