Why My Mental Illness Prevents Me From Working Full-Time
I used to work full-time. During my first attempt at college I held three jobs, all part-time but that gave me full-time hours. When I...

Why I Have An Issue With People Who Diagnose Themselves With Mental Disorders
As most of you know, I battle several mental disorders; bipolar II disorder, borderline personality disorder, and I once battled...

Why I Am Grateful For My Medications
A few weeks ago, I visited to my psychiatrist and he told me that we are going to be doing a "medication overhaul", which means we are...

Depression, Anxiety, & Loneliness
I've reconnected with an old friend over the past few weeks, and one of the main topics of conversation between the two of us has been...

Baby Steps: Not Going Well
My older sister told me to take baby steps toward being healthy and well in all ways, and I was doing really well at first. I started out...

Back To School
Yesterday was the first day of my first semester back at college in six years. Six years ago, I was a freshman at the University of...

Baby Steps: Part Three
Baby step number one was self-care. Baby step number two was doing a few chores. Baby step number three, the step I took yesterday, was...

Sister Therapy
If you've been keeping up with my posts, you'll know that I've had a difficult time the past three months being in a prolonged depressive...

Baby Steps: Part Two
The other day I went to bed determined to wake up the next day and do it all. When I woke up the next morning, I realized I needed to...

Yesterday's Prompt: How Have You Changed Over The Past Few Years? Show Pictures
I've changed in all aspects over the past few years; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The biggest changes I find in...