Why My Mental Illness Prevents Me From Working Full-Time
I used to work full-time. During my first attempt at college I held three jobs, all part-time but that gave me full-time hours. When I...

Why I Have An Issue With People Who Diagnose Themselves With Mental Disorders
As most of you know, I battle several mental disorders; bipolar II disorder, borderline personality disorder, and I once battled...

Depression, Anxiety, & Loneliness
I've reconnected with an old friend over the past few weeks, and one of the main topics of conversation between the two of us has been...

Remembering To Breathe
For years, my grandma and I have exchanged e-mails, and at the end of each she always tells me to remember to breathe. She means it in...

Baby Steps: Part Two
The other day I went to bed determined to wake up the next day and do it all. When I woke up the next morning, I realized I needed to...

Today, I Learned I Crack Under Pressure
This evening, I thought I had one task. Go to the store. That task turned into taking my Grandma to the store with me. That task turned...