Daily Prompt: List 20 Facts About Yourself

This is actually quite difficult for me because I happen to have a lot of opinions about myself. But I'll give it a go for the sake of the prompt.
1. I was blonde until around age three
2. I admin a depression support group for mothers on Facebook
3. I once died a section of my hair purple, and it turned pink
4. I enjoy smoking hookah
5. I love trivia games
6. I used to stage kitten for a burlesque troupe
7. I dislike drinking unflavored water
8. I was once in love with a young woman
9. I don't have a car, and haven't for over two years
10. I was a live-in nanny whilst living in Hawaii
11. I once read 50 books in one summer
12. I read the Twilight Saga in four days
13. I once was kicked out of Spanish class for yelling at the profe in English
14. I get my hair cut once per year
15. In high school, I straitened my hair every day
16. I long to own an authentic Coach purse
17. I do not want to live in America
18. I've never been to a Disney resort
19. I have many irrational fears
20. I am an excellent liar
There, that was easy.