Daily Prompt: Discuss Someone Who Fascinates You & Why

In third grade, we were instructed to come into class the next day dressed as someone we looked up to, and it was requested that we also have a report of that person prepared.
I don't have many memories of being that young, but I will always remember who I dressed up as and why I chose that person.
I came to school dressed as Princess Diana, but I didn't wear a ball gown or crown. Instead, I donned khakis and a blue shirt to represent a Red Cross uniform, like the one Princess Diana often wore while she performed charity work for the Red Cross and various other charitable organizations.
I looked up to her as a little girl not only because she was a princess, but because in her spare time, she helped others who were less fortunate than her.
As I grew and learned more about Princess Diana, the more she began to fascinate me. What intrigued me the most was how she seemed to live a double life; the life she showed the world through the media, and her secret life.
To the media, Princess Diana was perfect. She was the perfect mother, wife, and princess, who spent her free time helping others. But in reality, Princess Diana wasn't perfect, as nobody is.
She had an affair, often left her children with a nanny to rondevous with her lover, and was not liked by the Queen or royal family.
Unfortunately, after her death, her real and secret life surfaced, and many people lost respect for Princess Diana. But not me; her entire life just seemed to fascinate me more.
It intrigued me that she could juggle a double life while still visiting other countries and helping with their poor communities. It intrigues me that she chose to helps others over being involved with her own children.
Her death also intrigued me; the possibility of foul play and that her death could have possibly been on purpose.
I would have like to have met Princess Diana and heard her entire story for myself. But through interviews, TV shows, and movies, I get to know her for what she supposedly was, and that fascinates me.