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Daily Prompt: My Views On Mainstream Music

I don’t listen to music like normal people do. I used to, up until I was about 22 and then I either lost interest or couldn’t get into mainstream music and gave up. There is music that I like, but I don’t seek it out and listen to it like I should. I enjoy folk, classic rock, bluegrass, christian rock, and a select few artists in the pop and country genres. I really love musical soundtracks and soundtracks to some TV shows like Supernatural and True Blood and Reign. But, I seriously dislike mainstream music, and have since I’ve been out of high school. Mainstream music is gross. It’s all auto tune, and isn’t really music at all. It’s more like noise with some auto tune voice thrown in every once in a while. The lyrics are disgusting, all about sex and drinking and what today’s artists call relationships. There is no feeling in mainstream music. Like, it doesn’t make me feel anything. When I listen to music, I want to feel strong emotions and be prompted to think about an experience or memory I’ve had. But mainstream music doesn’t induce emotions to be felt, it induces vomit in my mouth and the want to cover my ears and say “LALALALALALALALA”. Mainstream music isn’t appealing to me, and I usually turn it on in the car only because I have anxiety if I don’t hear voices when I’m driving. So, I use it for noise, not for music. I hate to say it, but I will be honest and say that I do slightly judge people who LOVE mainstream music. It tells me that they either have no morals or don’t care about what they’re listening to, which then tells me that they are only listening to mainstream music to conform. It also tells me that they don’t care about enriching their minds, and makes me guess that they probably watch shows like “Teen Mom” and “Jerry Springer”. I’m judgemental this way, and I only slightly apologize.

I won’t waste my time listening to anything mainstream, but I will begin to seek out music I enjoy for some easy listening. Music is a great form of therapy for depression, and I think it would really help me when I’m in an episode. I just need to remember to turn it on, but not mainstream crap.

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